Wednesday, 28 May 2014

Bob Bickerton

Bob Bickerton Concert

 Last week Bob Bickerton came to our school. He showed us lots of really cool instruments. The girls really liked the harp because it sounded relaxing and beautiful!  Archie liked the guitar because you got to sing when Bob was playing a song. Bob was very funny when he said that a bee had landed on Skye's head. He was only playing a trick!. He made us laugh and laugh and his show was amazing!


  1. I hope you weren't too scared by that bee Skye!! I agree that the harp certainly did sound magical and beautiful. I think I would find it tricky to pick my favourite instrument because Bob played them all so well.

  2. hi Room1 I liked bod bickerton to

  3. Hi Room 1 I liked the flute the most and The guitar and
    Harp were very cool too.

  4. Sorrry Room 1 It was Rylee who liked the flute

  5. That was a really cool performance. You got some really cool picture's too!

  6. Hi Room 1 Bob is really funny hope that bee doesn't come back Skye!
    From Josie

  7. I liked all the instruments too. Bob was a better guitar player than me.
